tree removal city of Toronto

Planning tree work? You may need a City of Toronto Tree Removal Permit.

If you are planning to do anything that may damage a healthy tree or if you want to remove a healthy tree you will probably need to obtain a City of Toronto Tree Removal Permit. There are a number of circumstances where you can obtain a City of Toronto Tree Removal Permit. This article explains when you need a tree removal permit.

Which trees in Toronto City are covered by the tree protection bylaws?

If you live in Toronto City and are considering tree work or tree removal you need to check the rules to see whether you will require a Tree Removal Permit.  The City of Toronto has strong tree protection bylaws that apply to trees on private property, all trees on land owned by the City of Toronto as well as trees growing in designated ravine and natural areas.

Protected trees Toronto

What are the rules applying to tree removal in Toronto City?

The rules mean that, if you live in Toronto City, you will need a permit to remove or carry out any activity that could injure a tree if the tree has a diameter of 30cm or more measured 1.40 m from ground level. If the tree has more than one stem, it is the largest stem that you measure. Permits are only granted for some circumstances and you must obtain a permit before carrying out any work. If you remove or injure a tree without a permit you can be fined a minimum of $500 per tree and up to $100,000 per tree.

What activities are prohibited by the tree protection bylaws in Toronto City?

Along with removing trees, any activity that could be harmful to a tree covered by the tree protection bylaws is prohibited unless you have a permit authorizing it. The City of Toronto includes the following activities as ones that could potentially harm or injure a tree:

  • construction, demolition or alteration of buildings or other structures, driveways, paths, sidewalks, pools, retaining walls, decks, patios, terraces, sheds or other garden features
  • installation of large stones or boulders
  • any activity that could disturb the ground such as digging or excavation, flattening the ground or raising or changing the ground level, removal of soil or pollution
  • Storage of construction materials or equipment, natural materials such as wood, branches, leaves or soil or construction waste or debris
  • Use or disposal of substances that could harm a tree. These could be chemicals or other substances such as concrete sluice, paint or swimming pool water
  • Discharge of water over slopes or so it flows through natural areas
  • Driving over roots or using equipment or even walking over roots
  • Any damage to a tree’s roots, trunk or branches
  • Nailing or stapling things onto trees which could be anything from a fence to a sign
  • Attaching lights to trees within a Tree Protection Zone

Does that mean you need to obtain a permit to prune a tree?

No. You do not need to obtain a permit to prune a tree as pruning is necessart to maintain the safety and health of your trees. However, the pruning must be carried out properly and not damage the tree. For this reason, it is advisable to employ a professional arborist to maintain your trees.

Hedge Trimming Toronto

Under what circumstances can a City of Toronto Tree Removal Permit be authorized?

There are a number of reasons that result in you obtaining a permit to remove a tree. For example, if the trees are in such a bad condition that they cannot be maintained safely or brought back to health. You may also be able to obtain a tree removal permit if a tree is causing structural damage to your roof or a building.

If you have an acceptable plan to relocate a tree safely then you may be able to obtain a permit. If you are planning construction work you can also apply. You are not guaranteed to obtain the permit, and if you do, you will be required to replant trees to replace the tree that you will be removing.

Tree Protection Zones

If you are planning any type of groundwork, construction or landscaping that could potentially impact on protected trees it is important to consult a professional arborist at the outset. The arborist will be able to assess the site and determine the size of the area surrounding a tree that will form the Tree Protection Zone. This area must be protected during any construction work to preserve the health of a tree. If anything you do during the work will impact on the TPZ you will need to apply for a permit to remove or injure a tree.

If there is no impact on a TPZ, you do not need to apply for a permit. You will still need to complete a Tree Protection Plan in consultation with an arborist, however. You can estimate the size of your TPZ using the table provided on the Toronto City website.

Under what circumstances will you not be able to obtain a tree removal permit?

You will not obtain a tree removal permit if they authorities consider that the tree removal is not necessary. The burden of maintaing the tree safely, the potential for the roots to cause damage in the future or damage that can be dealt with by work that does not involve removing a tree are all examples of situations where you are unlikely to be granted authorization to remove or injure a healthy tree. If you are purchasing a property that has trees on it, or nearby to it, it is advisable to consult an arborist to establish the implications prior to going ahead. Do not assume that you will be able to obtain a tree removal permit.

Are there any circumstances where you can remove a tree without obtaining prior authorization from Toronto City Council?

There are some circumstances where you do not need to apply for a tree removal permit before removing a tree. However, you should obtain confirmation that a permit exception applies from the City before going ahead. You do not need a permit if the tree presents an imminent danger to people or property or if it is terminally diseased. It is not enough that the tree is dangerous if it can be made safe with remedial work. Similarly if the tree is diseased but can be treated and brought back to health it will not qualify for an exemption. You also do not need a permit if you are removing an Ash tree that has an Emerald Ash Borer infestation.